My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target
Thank you to my Sponsors

Neo Pau

Hazel Fraval

Antony Strong

Harvey Fraval

Eileen Ashby
Great Job Eileen!

Simon Hobbs

Orlando Stella

Tim Stephen
Well done Lachy!!!

Penny And Glyn Jones
Go Allie and Amelia! From all of your sponsors!

Angus Brewer
"Can we please do another Fun Run soon."

Andrew Flowers

Marisa Capogreco

Will Hayes
Go Harper

Suzy Schmitz
Well done to Hugo & Max all the kids!

Tutu & Nonno
Run like the wind… you’re the best Atari ๐

Malcolm Byrne

Amazing run Lach!

Harvey Fraval
Go Harvey - Love Aunty Steph

Zoe Tiller

Daniel & Bianca
Run like the wind, Atari! Have fun

Bonnie Rowe And Jess Densley
GO ZANDER! $5 x 18 laps

Alicia Tiller
Well done Mélodie and Byron

Ben & Toni
Go Francesca, go!

James Carey


Diana Tanaghow
Good luck Matilda, Georgie and Benny Tanaghow and Fitzroy North PS!! Love from Aunty Di xx

Sophie And Amgad Tanaghow
Good luck!

Fouad And Magda Goubran
Enjoy the run! Great cause.

Will Hayes

Madeleine Saffigna

Joy Goubran
Great fundraising effort FNPS! Go Matilda, Georgia and Ben!!! Love Joy ๐คฉ

Gigi Crumpler-whan

Adrian & Alex
Well done Remy & Milo!

Patrizia Maselli
All the best Francesca Cass and Fitzroy North Primary School!

Go Birdie! Well done everyone ๐๐๐

Davina Williams

Katherine Rottmann
Go FNPS! Have fun Natti and Felix!

Michael Ferguson
Run Penny Run!

Max And Sue Ford
Go Llewyn Holmes-Ford

Good luck Flynn and Abigail

Hugo And Luca Finklede
Good luck!

Sophie Bryant
Go Patrick! ๐๐๐ฝโ๏ธ๐๐ฝโ๏ธ

Clare Murrell
Proud of you Bea and all the grade 6’ers

Barrett Family

Joel & Pip
Have fun on the run, Jude, and the whole crew!

Nic Drent
Go Champs!

Monique Carroll
Well done Millie on your dedication and fundraising efforts!

Jen Berean

Tom Newman

G & R Gala
Good luck K & J and all the FNPS runners!

Heather Kelabora

Elizabeth Thanasingam
Go Thea! โค๏ธ Love, Elizabeth and Tony xx

Jennny And Terence Yuen
Go Archie and Tilly!!!

Emlyn & Sinclair Miller

Istvan & Julia
Go Tarodi kids go!

Callum Alpass

Megan Cole And Barbara Cole

Austin Balendran

Jess Poy
That’s a lot of laps, we’ll done Jack Poy!

Thai Marshall


Anna Higgs
Go Ellie and Wes!

Charlie Frew

Tessa Ellis (granny Tessa)
Go Rufus and Seija!

Heather Kelabora


Silke Schwartz
Go Amelie

Darcy Kim

Go Zoe! Love Theia xx

Tom Finch

Go Llewy!!!

Steve Y

Tristan Coleman


Jen Narcisco

Alexander Anderton

Frankie Mccann
Fancy Fun Run

Charlie Hutchinson

Melanie Katsalidis

Eddie Carrangis

Arlo, Matt And Alice
Run Jack Poy, run!


Lloyd Shanks
Run Estelle run! xo

Keisuke Ogawa
Good luck Lenka!

Go Milla go!

Pam & Barry Perham
Go go Llewy, little champ. Love, Pappy and Pops

Catherine & Stephen Mills

Kat Rae
Good on you Imogen and all the kids at NFPS who ran today!

Morgana Brady

Emiy Hatch

Renz Nathan

Steve Mason
Great effort everyone!

Philip H
Well done Zoe.

Anita King

Amazing effort!

Well done Milo and Remy

Jamie Sormann
Good work Milo!

Jo Wheelahan
Well done!

Priya Lal

Go Frankie (5EP)! Have fun xxx


Alan Macgill



Julien Karolos

Larry Holmes
Run fancy Llew!!! Love Grandpa and Gran xxxx

Jessica Poy

Jack Poy
Go Jack

Maddie Crowley

Sacha Crowley

Jen Sharp

Alice Mckenna

Adam Poy
Well done Jack Poy!


Gareth, Frankie And Lily
Go Jack Poy!

Joss And Elvira Ralston-ellis

Luke Carrangis

Bea Murrell-carey
Good job Nat.๐

Good luck, Zoe!

David Earl Ralph
Go Llewyn Holmes Ford! Ralphy and Kris!

Steve Howard
Good luck Owen!

Jitske Wiersma

Lachie And Tobie Campbell
Go Jack Poy!

Klarq Ezekiel

Jo Johnny Jubs And Jesse
Good luck Jack Poy! Love Johnny Jo Jubs and Jesse

Desiree Lelliottt
Go Jack Poy! Love the Lellos x

The Fnps's Fastest Runner

Marlo’s Best Friend ๐
Good job Marlo! Hope we get lots of donations! ๐ซฐ๐ป๐