Leon Bishop

Adelaide Reclink Community Cup

Kick the Sherrin for a Cause!

Although it divides us, footy is a powerful unifier for communities. I will be playing on the musician's side (Rockatoos!) to support Reclink who develop programs that help disadvantaged people.

I am also hosting a fundraiser event at Arthur Art Bar on the 20th of September where my band Passion Pop Music with Mortal Ambition and Ronan will be playing an LGBTQI+ inclusive gig in conjunction screenings of the films Holding the Man (2015) and Bulldog (2023). 

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

Thank you to my Sponsors




Timo Bishop

What ?!


Samuel Moyes

Love to see it man, keep it up.




Judy Almond

Leon, you’re a bloody legend! I hope to make it to your game 💕

