What is Game Changer Games?
Game Changer Games is a sports festival focused on fun, teamwork, and making a difference. All profits raised support Reclink Australia, a charity delivering sport and recreation programs to disadvantaged communities.
Where and when is the event happening?
Refer to our Event Information page for all the details.
How do I register for the event?
You can register as a team or as individual team members on our website. Simply click Register Now and follow the prompts.
How much does it cost to participate?
- Team Registration: $500 per team
- Individual Registration: $100 per person
Registration fees contribute to your fundraising target of $1200 per person (or $15,000 per team of 15) so technically the event is free to participate
How does my registration fee make a difference?
Your registration fee directly supports Reclink Australia’s programs, providing sport, recreation, and arts sessions to over 160,000 participants each year.
What sports and activities will be played?
The event includes Half-Court 3v3 Basketball, Footy 9s/Touch Rugby, Indoor Soccer, Dodgeball, Netball, Ultimate Frisbee, Finska, and Move Challenges like Yoga, Zumba, Pilates and Move Challenges
Do I need to be experienced in sports to participate?
Not at all! Game Changer Games is about fun, teamwork, and participation. Everyone is welcome, regardless of skill level or ability. If there is a sport that you don't feel comforatble playing then you can simply sit out as long as your team has enough players to participate in the game.
What is my fundraising target?
By signing up to the Game Changer games each participant must commit to fundraising a minimum of $1200 each or as a team you can combine your total to hit a minimum value of $15,000.
Can the fundraising target be met collectively by the team instead of individually?
Yes! For instance, if your team of 10 players collectively raises $15,000, this total qualifies your entire team to participate. The individual contribution amounts within the team do not matter.
What happens if our team doesn't meet its fundraising goal?
If your team falls short of its fundraising target, the team members must cover the difference. This can be achieved by securing a team sponsor or even requesting your company to match the amount already raised. There are numerous creative ways to reach your goal.
What should I bring to the event?
Bring comfortable sportswear, sneakers, a water bottle, sunscreen, and plenty of energy!
Is there food and entertainment available?
Yes! Enjoy live entertainment, food trucks, and a merchandise stall throughout the event.
Who can I contact for more information?
For more details, reach out to us at gamechanger@reclink.org or visit our website.